i think the greatest mistake western metaphysics made was associating good with light and bad with dark. no no, evil grows in the light. with its roots in the allegory of the cave, it is a  false assumption. a dangerous one. for it's transparency is violence and its oversaturation blinds us to the possibility of anything more. that is the true violence of violence is its ability to negate the existence of good. doing evil not only increases the amount of evil, it destroys the possibility for one to do good. doing good increases the amount of good, but doesnt destroy the capacity for evil like evil destroys the capacity for good. this is why the only good comes from the dark, the underground. where we refuse the will to know and name and control and leave ourselves open to the possibility of feeling. intimacy in the dark.

all good things are in the dark and underground. that's where the love is,  where the revolution is perpetual because it refuses recognition and articulation. plato should have never left the cave, he should have kept digging...


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