an elegy to youtube comments
how is it that we honor that which we have lost? many times i find myself scrolling down the comments when watching music videos and see people lamenting the loss of loved ones who loved the song or telling memories of when they wathced it with friends. its like hearing a travelers tale or a message in a bottle. we find the strangest places to let our hearts bleed out dont we? i will never meet these people but i know Kendrick loved and lost his older brother whose favotire song was "two princes". i know KillerKid229 wishes he could go back to being a kid with no responsiblities and scroll through newgrounds (shout outs to anyone who remembers that) and watch stuff like "Ignoracne is BLISS". i know Tyler wishes he could remember how to talk to his girlfriend when he listens to "sand" by atlas. i will never know who these people are, but i know who they wish they were again. i know that we wish to go back to better times.
for me its old youtube animation. long gone are the days of egoraptor and pyschichpebbles and oneyng and jaltoid and smosh cartoons and fox animation but the hazy memories of lazy sunday afternoons after church with no homework and sneaking into friend's parents computers remain. i still quote brawl taunts under my breath and yell "EREN YOU'RE SO FUCKING COOL HOLY SHIEEET" and "BOWSER I CANT FIND MY WAY AROUND THIS CAAAAAAASTLE" and show all my friends Leo and Satan and whenever i try to be sneaky i think "MYEEEEEEH SOLID SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE". i still go to apple stores and make the desktop image that photo of snape from "wengardium leviosa" and every christmas watch a Hellbenders Christmas.
how strange and beautiful that memories can ring like a chime, calling upon times that have aged like a find wine yet the lines escape me as i am told by all to play my part. can we ever go back to the times and people we once were? maybe not, but its remnants remain when we reminisce and ruminate on the things that made us what we were.
the jokes arent as funny as they used to be, but that never mattered. the songs arent as catchy as they used to be, but that never mattered. its the fact that through them we can grasp on to a past that constantly slips away, like attempting to tracing the path of a snowflake as its beautify is whisked away by the frigid winds to time, never to be seen again but always to be remembered.
dude why did i think old school youtube animation was funny it was literally just the same three "haha what if kids video game but blood and boobs and swear words" but then again its still so good. and so bad. also "OH GOD MY FUCKING KNEE"